Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Loading up my arsenal...

I am a full advocate for representing oneself. In this statement I lump in educating yourself whether it is looking into buying a car or house, taking out a loan, changing careers or your health.

What I am not cool with is playing secretary to businesses that are involved in my child’s acute care or being the most active in her treatment.

So, one can assume I am going somewhere with this.

A phone call to the insurance company today revealed no movement on Dr. Nightmare’s end or the GI doctor. Calling the GI doctor revealed they have no records in their file of the faxes I have sent over. I am to check in tomorrow and see if the secretary managed to locate them.

Unfortunately I had to give her an update; Tylyn has not been feeling well. It seems the Pentasa has provided no relief. In fact yesterday was very bad for her, seven BM which were the consistency of sand or ‘cornmeal’ in her words. She had to sit down at work because she was so sick, the pain very intense, the nausea and pain unbearable.

A quick Google search reveal little on the BM consistency. A few hits though, linked to Celiac. The tests have been negative (4 times in total). I wonder if the allergist will test for gluten on the patch test.

The IBD results are back. Drum roll……. Negative.

I’m shocked.

If you believe that I have failed to convey the sarcasm that drips from the words.  Still, another test that has been done chalking Tylyn’s total of 22 negative tests to include the following list:

Celiac’s (x4)
Crohn’s (x3)
Barium Enema
Barium Swallow
SPT for food allergies
Anti-Islet Ab test
and countless other’s I have forgotten

Hey guys- how about some patch food intolerance testing?


I have ordered two books to try and alleviate Tylyn’s symptoms. Although she has been ruled out for Crohn’s/ Colitis , IBS  and Celiac’s  I think she may benefit from trying a few meal preps targeted to eliminating preservatives, gluten and other possible triggers from her diet.

The books I have researched and chose to add to our list sport a lot of valuable information from patients that were not responding to pharmaceutical medications. In some cases the patients have full relief, while most have partial relief. I know in my internet travels I have seen reoccurring cross references to controlling all these diseases, including EE & EGE with diet. Why not? We have got to start somewhere as Pentasa is prescribed to UC and Crohn’s patients anyway with the most common side effects being abdominal cramping, nausea and diarrhea. For once I would love to see it list green stools.

They won’t arrive from Amazon until next week, by then the first phase of patch testing will be complete. If I can reduce Tylyn’s symptom’s by 50% through diet, that would be wonderful!

Here are the books I am going to try:

I am interested to see how her data will reflect diet changes and I feel better knowing that there is one more stone turned over in trying to make her well.

If anyone would like to check out how a medicine rates prior to using it check out Ask a Patient.   I was given this as a tip from a coworker and friend and have found it immensely helpful including my research about Singulair.

Educate yourself, be an advocate for you and your family and take charge of your life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey...I feel your anguish...my two cents worth

    you are what you eat...back to square one ... assume all doctors are just idiots .... and think there is a medication for everything...my wife had severe migraines ... they gave her meds... that helped but were worse than the migraine... I told her to quit drinking diet drinks (aspartame) and she has not had migraines since... of course I know your situation is not that simple... but I know you and you have the ability to think this one out with your analytical mind.

    get her off meds and get back to monitor diet elimination process.. there has to be something she can eat that will give her daily nourishment without the symtoms...fruits and veges... maybe no meats and dairy... use your judgement

    I wish you well and good luck
