Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Itchy and Scratchy

Yesterday Tylyn received her food patches. I had taken a trip to Wegmans the day before and spent my lunch raiding the bulk food aisle. Luckily for us they also have an extensive natural food section which led me to hitting a jackpot with freeze dried fruits. In the bulk section the fruits are loaded with Red40 and sodium benzoate (a preservative) that many people are allergic to. For my samples I needed to be as scientific as possible.

Armed with baggies and a mortar and pestle, I went to work grinding up my foods.

Grinding up foods on my lunch hour

For fruits I had chosen:


Not knowing what exactly the Allergist’s office had I also chose:

Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds

Needles to say I had my work cut out for me but soon I had our own little collection of packets.

Food Samples for APT testing

On Tuesday I sent her off to the doctor’s with Dan and our samples. In addition the allergy nurse added:

Wheat Flour
Rice Flour
Milk Powder
Egg White

Also due to my request for seafood they also did SPT for: Crab, Trout, Salmon, Lobster, Clam, Tuna, Shrimp, Perch, and Oyster. Surprise, surprise- negative.

When Tylyn came home I found out why they consider the test so technique dependent. Instead of the small chambers I posted as little example in my previous blog, Tylyn’s were about the size of a dime. The aluminum vessels were not contained in an adherent tape either, by hers was already coming undone after an afternoon of lounging on the couch.

To my dismay I saw ground sesame seeds that had fallen and were now swimming around inside the loose tape. We immediately bought some breathable athletic tape and replaced the curling paper tape.

After a trip to the school to hear about Tylyn next adventure in Disney next spring with the band and chorus, we returned home. It was in this time that Tylyn made me aware that three particular spots were bothering her quite bad. One was the second from the top on her left shoulder blade, the other one directly beneath it. When I asked her to clarify bothering she told me the third one down made her want to scratch her skin off. A quick peel back of the tape to see the writing through the chamber tape revealed banana and its partner in crime blackberry. It makes me wonder if my theory about the smoothies was right.

This morning she let me know that another couple of spots were bothering her, including an additional one on the top of her right shoulder blade. We gave up our inspection when she decided the tape removing the fine hairs on her back wasn’t worth it. I guess we will just find out tomorrow.

On a brighter note, I talked to NJH and the Allergist Tylyn will be seeing will be contacting Dr. Nightmare to ensure he is on board with Tylyn coming to Colorado. They also are a little perplexed why a doctor would deny a referral and say he was treating her when there is no course of treatment in place. I guess if someone wants to swing names around, they better be prepared for people to call their bluff.

Until next time, keep scratching as I know Tylyn is waiting to use her Zyrtec again. 

Monday, July 25, 2011

And the duck goes QUACK

Today was the first time I have cried in a while about Tylyn.

I realize that doctors are human and their errors are sometimes honest mistakes, even if those mistakes cost people their lives. Tylyn’s condition is not in a critical sense of life threatening as a heart attack or cancer might be, but the complete lack of compassion and acute care is disheartening.

Perhaps it is because of the road blocks her current doctors have put up. Inept at best I can not even stand to neither hear their voice nor their name.

It started with a call to Dr. Nightmare Allergist office to get Ty’s blood results. Normal. But wait- no Eosinophil count as there was no Diff. To make a long story short- why am I concerned with her count? The icing on the cake was when she relayed the doctor’s message verbatim about my referral inquiry that went along these lines:

Patient’s mother has been informed numerous times before that a referral would not be done until the patient has been reevaluated by our facility also will need to discuss with GI doctor about referral.

In addition he kindly added he was coordinating her care through Colorado with facilities and staff that he personally knew.

And might I add here- who gives a shit?

Perhaps it was teh nurse's icy tone after I said that I didn’t want to talk to Dr. Nightmare anymore. Perhaps she became annoyed about my concern of Ty’s Eosinophil levels remaining elevated for 6 months which can put strain on her heart and other organs.  

Perhaps my irritation continued with the inability to see the new GI doctor sooner. Though Ty’s stools are being questioned, it is considered a second opinion which does not allow prioritizing.

Makes you wonder how many people die waiting to get a second opinion.

Lastly, when I found out the real culprit for ordering the CBC without the diff, (although the hospital lab staff assured us the req did mean differential), would be the PCP, they regretfully informed me most likely the insurance wouldn’t cover a retest. This was due to her having two normal blood results back to back.

Remember the first one they didn’t do right either.

Morons would be a strong understatement for Dr. Nightmare, Dr. G and her PCP.

Sadness does not cover my emotion. If I had to describe it perfectly it would be a mixture of: despair, hopelessness and fatigue.

I look forward to closing my business and letting Daniel take over. How can anyone have the strength to interact with anyone after dealing with this on a weekly and sometimes daily basis?

I’m trying to stay positive but in the midst of the roof leaking because of the ex-husband, the crappy contractors that won’t show up or return a call (and when they do they tell me September) and my flipping car needing service constantly, I have little patience for doing teh grunt work of my daughter's health care.

It seems this is common though. A client yesterday told Dan her daughter was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but that was only after fighting with doctors for four years while they had her do physical therapy. Her daughter was still angry about the doctor's ignorance. She is the same age as Tylyn.

I am currently taking a class for a new medical degree and am sickened by the description of the healthcare reform that promises a better system for the patient. One that allows easier referrals and electronic healthcare records that can be accessed instantly.

Our current healthcare system is fill with doctors such as these that are overworked, understaffed who have atrocious amounts of student loans and insurance costs and no time to provide adequate care that is outside what we can all find on google. What does this result in? Demanding to see a patient so they can write a referral. Perhaps it is their egotistical, self centeredness that makes the ability to see past their own opinion unattainable.

I’m not sure if he wants me to pay some more money one more time. My daughter has been to his office twice since he promised her a miracle cure. I’ve asked since June 1st for a referral. I’m beginning to grow leery of NJH & CH if Dr. Nightmare represents the doctor’s there.

I think I need to do more research before a let another “duck” set back my daughter’s progess. But then again, currently we have no where to go but up.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Second isn't so bad.

Less than one week until Tylyn’s allergy appointment and patch testing.

I am as excited as a kid at Christmas. She is not fairing as well due to being off the Zyrtec and her allergies in full gear this morning. Granted I also had a bit of a scare yesterday when I called the Allergist to ask whether she can continue her steroid inhalers and the nurse was dazed when I asked what food allergies they would test for next week.

“We only test for environmental allergies. “ She corrected.

“What do you mean? “ Was my reply even though I knew exactly what it meant.

“Chemicals, you know like what one would see in perfumes and stuff. “

“I see. “ And I did. But I didn’t agree with it. I hardly think Tylyn is suffering from chronic diarrhea due to her hairspray. I tried to think quickly, “Well, I guess we could start with that testing but Dr. S had mentioned getting some chicken from CHOP. “

A chart reference indicated no note. The nurse offered to do skin prick testing for foods.

I proceeded to explain about IgE mediated and non IgE mediate responses and the importance of food patch testing. The line was silent, followed by a quick, “I’ll have the doctor call you. “

Sure enough, despite Dr. S being on vacation, another on call doctor, Dr. A gets a hold of me less than two hours later.

He clarified they did do food testing, he actually bought all the kits and even though they don’t get a lot of requests for it, they have done it. He explains it is very technique dependent and the skin prick test is better. I immediately explain the IgE spiel all over again only to have him ask did Tylyn have a diagnosis. I conveyed about EE & EGE. He interrupts partially through and quickly agrees, “Yes, of course the SPT and even the RAST test aren’t the best tests for that. “

For the first time in months I listen to a doctor agree that we do need to do patch testing and although there maybe few hits, it may provide relief if we can identify a few triggers for Tylyn. He is sympathetic that Tylyn is entering in her senior year and understands why I want to explore this as much as possible, sooner rather than later.

Dr. A also mentions that some people with EE & EGE don’t have any food triggers at all. He then recommends possibly doing rounds of allergy shots that some people have benefited from.

Dr. A inquires how she has responded to steroids (negatively) asks if she is on anything now and clucks his tongue when I tell him what she is on and her latest symptom. He reassures me they test for several types of wheat and does not belittle me for referencing the internet about the “cornmeal” search and results. He sees me as a concerned parent and recognizes that I am using him as a tool and a resource to make my child better.

He also wants to know what Tylyn is on for the Eosinophilic Esophagitis. He is perplexed when I tell him nothing. He wants to know if she is having problems swallowing and if she is having pain. Yes to both. He then states that if her doctor’s aren’t going to treat her, then they need to explore changing her diet.  

Now mind you this is much different that her GI doctor. A phone call to him yielded a monotone voicemail that said, “This is Dr G. I don’t know why Tylyn’s stool looks like cornmeal or sand. I will have my secretary write a note that Tylyn needs to see a special clinic. I hope the Pentasa is working. Talk to you later.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. Yes, I believe my concern about the stool, the color, the consistency, the burning and the increased bowel movements along with abdominal pain shows that the Pentasa is working GREAT! I guess the exhaustion is good sign too.


That would be the PG version of my thoughts about him.

So as I sat and stewed about his apparent lack of motivation to help Tylyn, once again I’m changing it up.

First thing I did was got on the internet. Twenty minutes later I have an appointment booked with a new GI and a referral on its way.

Go me. Team Tylyn 5, bad doctors 1. Yes, I do give credit for Dr. G recognizing the furrows before the biopsy coming back.

So the new appointment is the 15th, but the secretary has already talked to the NP about trying to get her in early, we are just waiting for the okay from the new doctor.

I am elated. Not only the secretary is nice (imagine that) they are also a group that has several GI’s but we will be seeing a Pediatric GI. I explain in a rush that I want to see if they can help Tylyn and we are also scheduled for a trip to Denver to a specialty clinic but her current GI is taking a hand off approach.

I hold my breath and wait and the woman asks when our trip is.

I respond November.

With a smile in her voice she says, “Well we have a lot of time before then to help her out don’t we. “
I have no response. None and as many of you know I am rarely speechless. She apologizes for not having anything before mid August but encourages me to call back daily, even twice a day and she will work on her end getting her in sooner. It is a much different approach than her regular GI doctor who has pushed back her follow up.

My sister assures me it is because it’s a pediatric doctor. No matter the reason I’m a bit relieved. We will be going to a doctor that is affiliated with The Women and Children’s Hospital Both Dr. Baker's (a husband and wife team) have outstanding creditials including a PhD from MIT.

It would be great if the second opinions yield a few breakthroughs, as a matter of fact yesterday was the first time I heard from two different doctors, “Perhaps we can prevent you from going to Denver.”

I’m not sure if it will, but at least there is a bit of optimism, hope and dedication to at least trying. That’s all I can ask for.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Loading up my arsenal...

I am a full advocate for representing oneself. In this statement I lump in educating yourself whether it is looking into buying a car or house, taking out a loan, changing careers or your health.

What I am not cool with is playing secretary to businesses that are involved in my child’s acute care or being the most active in her treatment.

So, one can assume I am going somewhere with this.

A phone call to the insurance company today revealed no movement on Dr. Nightmare’s end or the GI doctor. Calling the GI doctor revealed they have no records in their file of the faxes I have sent over. I am to check in tomorrow and see if the secretary managed to locate them.

Unfortunately I had to give her an update; Tylyn has not been feeling well. It seems the Pentasa has provided no relief. In fact yesterday was very bad for her, seven BM which were the consistency of sand or ‘cornmeal’ in her words. She had to sit down at work because she was so sick, the pain very intense, the nausea and pain unbearable.

A quick Google search reveal little on the BM consistency. A few hits though, linked to Celiac. The tests have been negative (4 times in total). I wonder if the allergist will test for gluten on the patch test.

The IBD results are back. Drum roll……. Negative.

I’m shocked.

If you believe that I have failed to convey the sarcasm that drips from the words.  Still, another test that has been done chalking Tylyn’s total of 22 negative tests to include the following list:

Celiac’s (x4)
Crohn’s (x3)
Barium Enema
Barium Swallow
SPT for food allergies
Anti-Islet Ab test
and countless other’s I have forgotten

Hey guys- how about some patch food intolerance testing?


I have ordered two books to try and alleviate Tylyn’s symptoms. Although she has been ruled out for Crohn’s/ Colitis , IBS  and Celiac’s  I think she may benefit from trying a few meal preps targeted to eliminating preservatives, gluten and other possible triggers from her diet.

The books I have researched and chose to add to our list sport a lot of valuable information from patients that were not responding to pharmaceutical medications. In some cases the patients have full relief, while most have partial relief. I know in my internet travels I have seen reoccurring cross references to controlling all these diseases, including EE & EGE with diet. Why not? We have got to start somewhere as Pentasa is prescribed to UC and Crohn’s patients anyway with the most common side effects being abdominal cramping, nausea and diarrhea. For once I would love to see it list green stools.

They won’t arrive from Amazon until next week, by then the first phase of patch testing will be complete. If I can reduce Tylyn’s symptom’s by 50% through diet, that would be wonderful!

Here are the books I am going to try:

I am interested to see how her data will reflect diet changes and I feel better knowing that there is one more stone turned over in trying to make her well.

If anyone would like to check out how a medicine rates prior to using it check out Ask a Patient.   I was given this as a tip from a coworker and friend and have found it immensely helpful including my research about Singulair.

Educate yourself, be an advocate for you and your family and take charge of your life.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Allergy Testing for EoE & EGE

I have spent the last several days researching information and trying to compose this blog regarding the allergy testing Tylyn will receive at the end of this month. I’m anxiously waiting for the testing to be done, as her trouble swallowing has become increased and itchiness is driving both her and me bonkers.

True to everything Eosinophilic Eosphagitis (EoE) and Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis (EGE), there is little information out there, but what is published is conflicting.

Almost all the data supports that EoE is caused by allergies or more clearly a food hypersensitivity, as a true food allergy requires the presence of IgE antibodies (to be explained below). The treatment for children results in the following remission rates of EoE below.

Diet related:
Amino Acid-based Formula (Elemental diet)- 96-100%
Empiric Elimination (6-food elimination)- 50-74%
Direct Elimination Diet (SPT & APT based)- 69%

Pharmaceutical Related:
Systemic- 93-95%
Topical (flucticasone, budesonide)- 50-95%

Now if I have caused confusion, let me explain some of the definitions above.

Types of allergy testing for EoE:

SPT- Skin Prick testing (or Scratch test)- Used for over 100 years,  this is the most commonly performed allergy testing and can be done in a physician’s office setting. This is great for identifying  Type I Hypersensitivity . With this test a few drops of the suspected allergen (ex. food, pet dander, dust, pollen, dust mites etc) are pricked on a patient’s skin, with the most ideal location being the forearm. Results are available in a few minutes and can be performed on patients as young as four months.

Skin Prick above testing with several positive reactions
 Histamine is the positive control.

Some doctor’s offices do testing on the back, though it is a more sensitive area than the forearm. I had allergy testing done as a child and they performed it on my back. When it was done as an adult they did it on my upper arm near the bicep area.

This test is performed also with a control to ensure that there are not false negatives.

However, this particular test is not 100% accurate as a negative response maybe attributed to the following factors:

-         Not enough concentration was used to evoke a response in the body
-         The test is technique dependent
-         The allergy is non-IgE- mediated (see Patch Test below) such as a reaction to food additives

In addition the following points must be considered:

-         SPT is for identifying an IgE-mediated allergy, meaning that the allergic response is immediate and rapid in onset, may present themselves as wheezing, hives, itching and anaphylaxis.
-         A positive SPT may also indicate a food sensitization but not necessarily a food allergy. 50% of patients with food sensitization are tolerant to food when ingested.
-         Foods most identified with SPT are: cow’s milk, egg, peanut, shellfish, peas, beef, fish, rye, tomato and wheat.
-         Fewer reported successes when an elimination diet is based on the SPT for EoE patients
-         Requires stopping of certain allergy medications to perform testing
-         Yields only a positive or negative result.
-         Some food allergens such as: fruit and vegetable allergens are unstable and denature very quickly.
-         Negative result very reliable, positive result is reliable in only 50% of patients

Radioallergosorbent test (RAST or newer versions called ImmunoCAP)- Also utilized for Type I hypersensitivity food allergies, this is a blood test that specially measures IgE in the serum for a suspected allergic. Posing no risk of allergic reaction which can occur with SPT, this can be used as an alternative in the case of a possible anaphylactic reaction, in addition patients do not have to stop any allergy medications.

This test is more expensive than skin prick testing, yields the same results, is applicable to over 150 foods for a single sample, provides the best reproducibly and is extremely sensitive due to its high specificity. Researchers have been able to provide “predictive values” for some of the more common foods.

However, this particular test is not 100% as a negative response maybe attributed to the following factors:

-         Not enough concentration was used to evoke a response in the body
-         The test is technique dependent
-         The allergy is non-IgE- mediated (see Patch Test below) as some food additives are

In addition the following points must be considered:

-         RAST is for identifying IgE-mediated allergies, meaning that the allergic response is immediate and rapid in onset, may present themselves as wheezing, hives, itching and anaphylaxis.
-         Fewer reported successes when an elimination diet is based on the SPT for EoE patients
-         RAST testing can show the amount of IgE present to each allergen.
-         Negative test yields a 90% chance of being non-allergic but a positive reaction may not necessarily confirm and allergy but rather a sensitization (less than 50%)
-         Because IgE is an antibody response it has a memory, which means it may indicate that a patient maybe has positive IgE years after exposure and after they have outgrown the allergy.
-         Usefulness in low-level (1-5uL) sensitization is unclear

RAST Rating, Response & Levels of IgE

0          <0.35                      Absent or undetectable
1          0.35-0.69                Low Level
2          0.70-3.49                Moderate Level
3          3.50-17.49              High Level
4          17.50-49.99            Very High Level
5          50.00-100.00          Very High Level
6          >100.00                   Extremely High Level

Atopy Patch Test (APT): A newer technique and more controversial, this type of testing is used for identifying Type IV Hypersensitivity.  Because this testing is specific for non-IgE mediated responses, or more commonly known as cell-mediated responses, the first step to is to re-expose the patient. A cell mediated response appears 7-14 days after initial sensitization and reactivates within 2-5 days of re-exposure. 

With this test a few drops of the suspected allergen are placed in an aluminum chamber (or called the Finn Chamber) that is adhered to tape. They are then placed on the patient’s skin and left on for 48 hours with, with the most ideal location being the back. After the two required days the chambers are removed and results are read. They are also re-read at 72 or 96 hours. If applied correctly by an experienced physician’s office or facility, reliable and reproducible results can be obtained.

Above: APT with Chambers taped to patient's skin

Above: Several positive results from APT

However, this particular test is not 100% as a negative response maybe attributed to the following factors:

-         Not enough concentration was used to evoke a response in the body
-         The test is technique dependent
-         The allergy is IgE- mediated (see Skin & RAST testing above)

In addition the following points must be considered:

-         APT is for identifying a non IgE-mediated food intolerance, meaning that the response is delayed and may take several days or a week to present a response.
-         A positive APT may also indicate a sensitization at some point of the patient’s life.  
-         Foods most identified with APT are: wheat, corn, beef, cow’s milk, egg, chicken, rye, soy, oats, barley and potato. .
-         APT is not standardized for the type of foods to use (fresh versus extract)
-         Requires stopping of certain allergy medications and steroids to perform testing

Results are reported as:

Negative (-)
Irritant Reaction (IR)- Follicular pustules & burn like reactions
Equivocal/uncertain (+/-)- Pink area under the test chamber
Weak Positive (+)- slightly elevated and pink or red plaques usually with mild vesiculation
Strong Positive (++)- are ‘papulovesicles’ or papules that change into a blister
Extreme Reaction (+++)- spreading redness, severe itching and blisters or ulcers

Problems food that are present with EoE & EGE:

Food Allergy:  Invokes an immune response due to a reaction with a food protein. This occurs when the immune symptom mistakes protein of foods as being harmful causing the body to have a reaction. An example of non food allergies is latex sensitivity.

This is also called IgE mediated immune response. Food Allergies can range from mild to severe with a more rapid onset of symptoms ranging from seconds to one hour.  Classified as a Type I hypersensitivity it is an antibody mediated response.

Common symptoms of food allergies:
Itching (mouth, lips, tongue, throat, eyes, skin)
Difficulty swallowing
Runny or congested nose
Wheezing or shortness of breath
Abdominal pain/cramps

Causes: Mostly food and directly related to the food protein in the case of eggs, where patients are most frequently allergic to the white instead of the yolk.  

Over 90% of the food allergies are attributed to eight foods: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, shellfish, soy and wheat. Allergies can also be regional in the case of increasing number of rice allergies in East Asia. In addition allergies to seeds, especially sesame are on the rise.

Other foods that can have allergenic proteins associated with them besides the ones listed above are derivatives of those foods, for example cheese, vegetables, spices, fruits, synthetic and natural colors and chemical additives. In addition patients that have a birch allergy may react to additional classes of families such as fresh apples, cherries and peaches.

There is also data which supports cross reactivity. Some patients who are allergic to cow’s milk also show sensitivity to soy-based products. Often patients with latex allergies develop allergies to foods such as bananas, kiwi, avocados and other foods.

Diagnosis: Easier than food intolerances because reactions are more apparent, linking ingestion of food or contact with allergen to symptoms. SPT, RAST and food challenges are the most common types of allergy testing.

Food Intolerance (Food Sensitivity): A negative reaction in response to food, beverage, additive or compound found in food (like dye or preservative) that produces symptoms in the body. This also can include a gastro-intestinal response to foods.

This is also called Non-IgE mediated food hypersensitivity. Non-IgE or Food Intolerance is more chronic and more difficult to diagnose. Unlike a food allergy, intolerance symptoms usually begin about a ½ hour after ingestion but symptoms may be delayed for 48 hours. Classified as a Type IV hypersensitivity it is a cell mediated response.

Many of these food intolerances are directly related to the food protein as shown in milk-soy protein intolerance (MSPI). MSPI is a non medical term that describes a food intolerance to milk and/or soy protein during infancy and early childhood. Tylyn had this.

Common symptoms of food intolerance:
Skin Rash
Unproductive Cough
Nasal Congestion
Abdominal Cramps
Intermittent Diarrhea
Anaphylaxis (less common)

Causes: Both natural and artificial ingredients, chemical intolerances, viral infection, illnesses to environmental exposure, deficiencies in digestive enzymes, and autoimmune diseases such as Celiac disease which results in gluten intolerance. Food sensitivity may be linked to chemicals mimicking hormones, as it occurs more commonly with women. This is perplexing due to EoE occurs in males more than females.

Diagnosis: More difficult than with allergy or IgE mediated immune responses. SPT & RAST testing are not used as diagnostic tools for food intolerance as it is a non-IgE mediated immune response. .

Alternative testing includes APT testing due to the delayed reactions that can not be captured with SPT. The least expensive and less scientific elimination or empiric diet can be followed, although it may take up to 6 weeks before relief of symptoms can be seen.

In addition, IgG testing and  ELISA/ ALCAT (or ACT) testing for IgG-mediated immune response can be used. This is mostly for delayed allergic reactions of Type III hypersensitivity.

Controlling a patient’s diet for food allergies/sensitivities are the following strategies:

Elemental Diet- is a liquid diet that is usually composed of amino acids, fats, sugars, vitamins and minerals, providing all the nutrients the body needs. It is ingested or in more severe cases, uses of a gastric feeding tube or intravenous feeding This diet lacks whole or partial protein due to its ability to cause an allergic reaction, therefore put no stress on the digestive system. Very harsh and not very palatable.

Empiric Diet- The big 6- Removal of  the most common food allergy triggers from the diet: dairy, nuts, wheat, eggs, soy, and seafood.

Direct Elimination Diet- These allergic foods are removed from the diet based on SPT and APT-based testing.

Worth mentioning here is 70-80% of patients with EoE have had postive SPT or RAST results. Patients with atopic EGE often have multiple food sensitizations with positive SPT. However of the three subtypes of EGE, mucosal, muscularis and serousal, the first tend to have IgE-mediated food allergies.

Tylyn's allergist (the nice one) has decided to include chicken in the patch testing based on my data from Tylyn’s food diary. Although they have not adminstered this with the patch testing she will contact a colleague at CHOP (Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia) about obtaining the material to test.

As a mom and scientist I am very interested in the tests and the results.

CH in Denver called today as well. Tylyn has been rescheduled for November. She advised me that Tylyn will have to undergo repeat allergy testing while she is at the facility but understands that I am trying to provide some temporary relief until our appointment. In addition she did mention there are only so many tests that can be performed per day and there is a lot of testing to be done.

After all my research do I believe Tylyn has a “food allergy”? Maybe, maybe not. I am leaning more towards food intolerance due to symptoms and lack of any responses on her SPT performed previously.
Sure her results revealed a high allergy to dust mites, pollen and a few other things but nothing other than a slight 2+ reaction of milk that was subsequently proven negative by a RAST test. As confirmed the SPT is false positive in 50% of the results.

As Tylyn counts down to her new job and I count down to getting answers. Thirteen days.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Waiting Game

Whoever came up with the term waiting room was not entirely correct. While it is true that you go there and wait, more often than not there is more waiting outside of the doctor’s offices.

Like the waiting for the blood draw on Wednesday or how about waiting for the results?

It will take most likely a good two weeks to receive the IBD results, due to the blood needing to be sent to California to be processed. I’m beginning to think moving outside of NY may hurry things up.

Or how I am waiting for Tylyn’s PCP phone line to not be busy so I can get the results of her CBC from 2 weeks ago? They never call, good or bad and I’m quite curious of what her Eosinophil levels were in the thick of her allergies and sinus infection.

Perhaps it could be patiently waiting for her original allergist to call back after I put in a request to go back to her and leave the nightmarish one who wants to argue points that are neither valid nor true. I will do nothing short of beg, plead or get down on my hands and knees to go back the one in Greece near my previous employer on Long Pond Road. Friendly and knowledgeable we were yanked from their grasp when Tylyn’s GI doctor wanted us to coordinate with the one she has now.

In fact while I was feeling quite helpless yesterday dealing with Dr. Nightmare my thoughts wandered back to the kind clinic who actually was the first one’s to mention Eosinophilia and explain what it meant, what could cause it etc.

Sigh. It is like having an ice cream cone that a bully rushes by, grabbing it out of your hand and throwing to the ground, laughing as they run off. Jerk.

Okay one waiting game done. PCP never ordered a CBC with Differential. No way to tell her Eosinophil count. Perfect. Good to know that I get to be the bad guy that tells Ty she needs to have blood work done first thing on a Saturday morning. Soon her veins will look like the people I drew back at Wilson Hospital for my rotation in college.…..

While I wait for the other call, I ponder on Tylyn’s status. I wince. That sounds cold, like she is a patient instead of my flesh and blood. But looking at things objectively lets me think clearer, dealing with only the facts keeps me emotionally sound.

She is in a state of excitement. Though yesterday was another bad day for her physically, her outlook is one of positivism.  She received a long awaited phone call from a new employer giving her a full time job. While she dreams of what color her new car will be, I wonder silently if moving her hours up to 40 from 16-20 will be too much from her. Call me over protective but when you child is exhausted from a four hour shift; I’m not quite sure if eight will be over doing it.

Not to mention everyone at her current job knows she is sick. It is easier to accommodate your bathroom habits for four hours, than eight, after all think back when you had the flu real bad. Could you sincerely limped through 4 hours at a location one mile from your house?

I don’t think I’m going out on a limb here in being concerned. She is determined though and I am supportive. Part of me is relieved. Her former employer was not quite as understanding when she couldn’t work her shift after being in the hospital. Takes me back to a job I had when my car was totaled on the way in to work on a snowy morning. Herniated disc and in a lot of pain, I was not up for standing on my feet that day and my boss wanted to know if I could drive the hour in and pick up work to do at home.

Right on that. Not.

Still, I’m in that protective mode though, but letting her fly. Someday she will have to find her balance, although I’m not quite sure her AP classes, job and soccer are the right mix. She is hell bent on playing a sport this fall after being robbed of softball this past spring.

She feels invincible on her good days, which is the youthful part of her. Let’s just hope we can get more and more of them, but I guess that take me back to the original topic of this blog. It is all a waiting game.

Just as I was getting ready to post- a break through! Our original Allergist called back and after a lengthy conversation with a more sincere doctor it seems as our roadblock has been removed. Although she admits the technique of patch testing is very sensitive they have done it and will do some preliminary tests on Tylyn including patch and RAST testing.


Three appointments in total; one to apply the patches, one to remove them and then a follow up with the doctor.

Our first appointment is on July 26th and I will be sure to cover the specifics in my next blog. Sorry to leave you waiting!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good Days and Bad Days

Since I last wrote we have seemed to have more bad days than good days. During my last post I had hoped she had been relaxing in the pool. I arrived home that night to find her confined to the couch, ill and exhausted.

The Zyrtec has not helped. Her insurance have denied her referral approval at least temporarily until someone who has seen her states that she needs to go out of network. According to my discussions with them the PCP won’t state that as they have not treated her and know nothing about the rareness of the disease.

Although the GI doctor is completely on board with Tylyn going to Colorado, his paperwork also does not reflect what the insurance company needs; a reason why she requires an allergist and GI doctor 1630+ miles away when there are plenty of competent doctors in WNY to treat her.

Really? Name one.

Although they empathize with why we want to go to a specialty clinic not one of the doctors has stated a need. Our case is weakened when Tylyn’s current allergist provides a treatment regimen that does not address anything she needs to be seen for.

This resulted in a heated discussion with the Allergist on Tuesday. I had wanted an appointment to follow up on the allergy medication that is not helping Tylyn. I also wanted to discuss a course of treatment in the interim as her GI doctor is doing on his end.

He stated he had no openings for Tylyn until July 14th. He proceeded to talk down to me that he knew Glenn Furuta, that he was aware of who David Fleischer was and that he had worked with them both and could coordinate treatment for Tylyn. I reemphasized that he did not even recall how long Tylyn had been on the Prednisone and that when it caused problems he had referred her to her PCP who also knows nothing about any course of treatment she was undertaking.

The allergist decided to lecture me that he was not an acute care clinic and each and every patient got a portion of his time and that it was wrong that people had tried to fit me in the next day but he would not see her. He then continued to lecture me that he knew what Eosinophiliac Esophagitis and Gastroenteritis was and that he would gladly discuss what he knew because he had worked with Dr. Furuta.

Sick of being bullied at this point I plainly state he puts down that he wants to treat my daughter, but there’s been no talk of testing, more specifically, patch or RAST testing. I know it will be repeated in Colorado but we could begin to uncover some preliminary allergens here to help her feel better. I said you might know Dr. Furuta & Fleischer but you most definitely are not them.

The call ends with no resolve other than the Allergist indicating that any letter that needs to discuss Tylyn’s suggested course of treatment in Colorado should be well thought out and written in a well executed manner. No duh. Like I was actually was hoping for more of the same “We can treat her here.” which according to the insurance company has put Tylyn in jeopardy of possibly only receiving a referral for the GI and not the Allergist in Colorado.

A late afternoon call from Denver revealed Tylyn can’t go to the October 27th clinic due to obligations of Dr. Furuta. I count my blessings that I haven’t purchased plane tickets and that it gives me more time to get the insurance straightened out, however it does mean longer until Ty is seen and her allergist maybe Dr. Fleischer or another doctor. Since requests for the insurance company have to be doctor specific it poses a problem. Back to square one.

Yesterday we went to the GI. I brought with me my charts and data; only two weeks worth but beginning to show a trend. Large amounts amount of bowel movements (5-6)=lots of pain and exhaustion. Low number (1-2)= little pain and relatively a good day. Also correlated with this data is the day she exhibits the most allergic symptoms, i.e.  headache, nausea, itching, etc., she has the most problems with her tummy. I’m talking on average between 10-14 symptoms. Good days are as little as three.

Requires more research and perhaps a beginning of an elimination diet. My rhetorical question for Colorado was, why does the chick with the 2 year degree come up with all the data?

The afternoon allergist appointment was no help either. The NP was hostile at best and then rebuked my data about the FDA changing the warning of the Singulair warning in three years claiming, “ In ten years she only had one patient come forward and say they were having mood changes.” Perfect. As the largest drug for Merk grossing $3.9 BILLION dollars, what is one little life in one doctor’s office?

And by the way, hasn’t there been study after study about patients not reporting how they feel because doctors are quick to blame everything on psychological issues. Hmmm…. Suicidal thoughts on an asthma medication? Not what I would consider typical side effects. Lord knows they have blamed Tylyn’s medical problems on emotions.

But I have regressed. I forgot the most important part. How the NP said she didn’t really know that much about EE or EG. How she wasn’t the best person to treat Tylyn. How patch testing is only for chemicals.

Wait---- What? So since when are peanuts a chemical? And corn and the other food allergy patch tests that are done in Denver.

Isn’t that contradictory to the following excerpt from this article

‘Egg, milk, and soy were identified most frequently with skin prick testing, whereas corn, soy, and wheat were identified most frequently with atopy patch testing. In more than 75% of patients with EE, both symptoms and esophageal inflammation can be significantly improved with dietary elimination of foods. Skin prick and atopy patch testing can help identify foods in most patients.’

Additional resources can be found here which counter the statement made by the allergist yesterday that RAST testing is unreliable compared to skin prick testing.

In vitro tests for specific IgE (radioallergosorbent tests [RAST]) are more practical than prick skin tests for food allergy screening in the primary care office setting.’

In the same article there is additional information:

Although allergic eosinophilic gastroenteritis is an IgE-mediated disease in some patients, about one half of patients do not exhibit specific IgE antibody to foods. Patients with allergic eosinophilic gastroenteritis have severe reflux, postprandial abdominal pain, vomiting, early satiety and diarrhea. The diagnosis is suggested by the presence of inflammation and significant eosinophilic infiltration of the esophagus, stomach or small intestine. Treatment with a strict avoidance diet using an elemental formula is efficacious in some patients.

And this, which I believe started when Tylyn was a baby:

The symptoms of infantile proctocolitis are limited to the lower gastrointestinal tract and are of short duration. The ingestion of the responsible food (usually cow's-milk protein or breast milk from mothers who are consuming cow's milk) provokes diarrhea with blood in the stool, but anemia rarely occurs.

I find it interesting that under allergist eosinophiliac gastroenteritis the symptoms of abdominal pain, vomiting, early satiety and diarrhea all describe Tylyn with the exception of only an occasional vomiting.

We left both doctors yesterday with some drugs. Two inhalers from the Allergist who claims she can only treat for the upper allergies like hayfever or rhinitis, and a nice dose from the GI of Pentasa which is a glorified name for an anti-inflammatory that is used in Chron’s disease.

At a whopping 2,000 mg (2g) twice a day, yes folks that is 4 pills at each setting for a child who for the last 5 days has trouble swallowing,  it seems a little strange that they haven’t at least attempted an elimination diet or some allergy testing.

At least the Pentasa is Dr. Furuta’s idea because our local GI admits he is not sure how to treat.

We rounded out our day with an hour wait for her IBD antibody testing to be drawn. Another test ordered on behalf of Dr. Furuta.

Everyone is frustrated with our local doctors and it maybe summed up best with the following FB post by Tylyn last night:  

secret#269; gotta love when your mom knows more than your specialist doctors you see :D

I don’t know more baby girl, but I am trying harder.